“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain


University of Western Ontario... considered to be one of the most beautiful University campuses in Canada... & really it is! Every day I rediscover it in a new way & fall in love all the time. I never miss a single opportunity to capture the beauties of the majestic campus through my lens, which offers versatile beauties at different times & seasons...

In winter, way to Middlesex College, department of CS & Math...

UC building in summer...

Department building (Middlesex College) in a winter morning...

Color of fall... near physics building...

Because sky is the limit... department building in a sunny summer morning...

During extreme snowfall in X-Mas 2012... inside the campus...

Typical Middlesex...

A different look... snap taken at 10PM in December... looking like a Dracula castle...

Campus during fall...

After a massive snowfall day...

Typical  snowy UWO campus...

We were enjoying inside the snow covered campus during Christmas break...

The typical 'UWO Logo'...

The entrance...

Fall leaves...

Another instance of beautiful color of fall in campus...

Campus oak & maple...

Physics building...

WSS building in fall...

The gees are very common in campus, they are our friends...

A snowy afternoon...

Recently cleaned snowy campus road...

An overcast day in winter...

A snowy winter night in campus

Dusk at campus...
Towards Middlesex  at dusk...


  1. Great to see Western ontario University campus. Hope to visit someday and settle nearby forever :)
