“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

Stockholm, Sweden

The capital city of Sweden, Stockholm is considered to be one of the best cities in the world in terms of living standard, life expectancy, and social life about work-life balance. It was once nominated among one of the less polluted city in the world. Indeed, it is a beautiful city! I spent almost one year in Stockholm from the beginning of 2018. I usually have a tendency to procrastinate my "research & reading" about the city, when I am going to stay there for a while. I also get less organized in this case. That's why in this post of my blog, I am sharing mostly photos (& less text) from my exploration in the city over the time period. 


The central train station of Stockholm (during Christmas & new year season):

The winter (in & beyond KTH campus)..

"Poke bowl" (raw salmon with rice, mango, mayonnaise, beans, & some leaves).. at 'Esa sushi' at Torsgatan..

City hall, the "home of Nobel prize"..

City life..

Street food (smashed potato & sausage inside bread wrap)..

This one is famous for their fish items..

The waterfront really makes the city more beautiful!

The beautiful architectures of the city..

The "cave" structured metro stations in Stockholm..

Spring & summer..

Of course Sweden has many treasures to offer apart from the capital city. Due to some reasons, I couldn't get chance to explore rest of the country. I hope some day I will visit Sweden again & fulfill my quench of thirst.. :)

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