“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain


In an attempt to start documenting my "post digicam tours" in this blog a few years ago, slowly I got addicted to travelling & writing, and decided to focus seriously on both. Thanks to thousands of visitors of my blog who are my inspirations of writing. Being still an amateur, I'm trying to exploit all the opportunities to learn the art of writing every day. In this blog I'm trying to express whatever I've explored so far, both in terms of 'travelling to different places' & 'travelling through rich experiences'. I am a destination-less traveller who hates travelling with fixed plans & intention of arriving shortly (well, that's just a dialogue. In reality, time & money control everything ;)). I maintain Mark Twain's quote that I've put as a punchline on top of this blog. I never miss a single opportunity to travel. I enjoy solo travelling, which I have started few years ago. I believe that solo travelling is the best way to explore an unknown city, local people, food, atmosphere, & more philosophically the "feel" of the place. Also, the ultimate freedom is something that I can't compromise with anything else...

Some people travel just to fill the quota of witnessing certain places. I consider those people as "tourists". There is a difference between a "tourist" & a "traveller". The later explores the places beyond the guide books & maps. I read somewhere that, "A traveller sees what he sees, & a tourist sees what he has come to see". I always feel extremely excited to visit a new place, no matter where it is. I love the local food (mainly street foods), feel eager to talk to local people, & to get lost! If you never get lost, then you are not exploring properly ;)

Apart from travelling, my passion is mountaineering & climbing. That's why I have named my blog as 'Aarohon' (it is a Bengali word, which means climbing). Another philosophy of naming my blog as 'Aarohon' is that, in every travel & expedition I think I become a better person than I was before... that is, I am ascending or climbing the mountain of goals, humanity & ethical values of my life. I enjoy taking big risks in my  life. I want to see myself to be successful as a climber. I have done basic course from Nehru Institute of Mountaineering (NIM), and planning for advanced course. I was a member of Himalayan Mountaineers' Association (HMA), Calcutta, and University of Western Ontario Climbing club. I am mainly interested in high altitude mountaineering, not purely rock climbing. I consider myself as an intermediate level rock climber. I can climb upto boulder difficulty level V4 (it depends if I am in regular practice or not) & wall difficulty level 5.10+ (both in North American standard).

This is mainly a climbing & travel blog. Although sometimes I put some personal viewpoints about my philosophy about life, ultimately 'Aarohon' remains only for backpackers and bohemians...

If you have any suggestions, questions, feedbacks, please write to me at: ayan.aarohon@gmail.com